Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hidden • 9/7/09

I am one who is rejecting. I am one who has avoided doing this reading. I am the one who is scared and angry and wants to limit this reading to, there is no difference between light and shadow. Light and dark are one. Light and dark are from the same source. I feel pissed off. Why suffer? I am one who suffers from what my mind creates. For Source there truly is no difference between light and dark. Light is, dark is. How silly to 'think' light is good and shadow is bad. This is pronounced by the sunlight on our yard in the collage. The tree shadow (shade) is not 'bad'. No more than the sun light on the ground is 'good'. I love shade and sun.
I am the one who creates the negative, not Source. Day is not better than night. I feel ashamed and heart broken of my suffering. How does this happen?
I am one who is unseen. I am one who skirts around the truth of me. I am one for whom the boundaries were over stepped. I am one who over steps the boundaries. I am one who is moving forward. Beautiful. Source's plan for me is not, hold back. I am one who is leaving behind, "I am in control".
The past is over, to live the past keeps me down. In past lives, I am one who kept my sanity by rejecting others and rejecting my experience. Despite the torment, I held on to Spirit.
I am one who loves sea and land. I love softness.
I am one who requires time for quiet. I am one who is peaceful. I am one who softly, gently, lovingly, holds hands. I am one who hides and seeks.
I am one who is curious. I am one who is cute! I am one who sometimes can't see. There is a time for quiet and a time for action. Just like night and day. I am one for whom the beam of light looks like a spot light of which I am afraid of. Hiding is safer.
I am one who is a traveling show. I am one who thought I was done being on the road. Instead I have a whole road ahead of me! I am one who has been and is on the love road, whatever it takes. I am one who has a future, I know what it is only when I am there. I am one who trusts and accepts.
I am one who is bothered. I am one who is not getting the point of my soulcollage. Who is not getting the point of my soul. Leaving judgement totally behind is the best thing I could ever do.

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