Saturday, September 12, 2009

11 Hours Later, Abbreviated Version.

8-2-09 SoulCollage®, My Cover is Blown
11 hours ago I posted the "birth" mandala, this set off a spiritual emergency. A myriad of physical abnormalities along with a complete loss of energy, my words slurred and my eyes couldn't open far. I felt hallow. Clairvoyantly, an illuminated orb with an earth like appearance and two hands over it's surface came. Then a huge moon appeared with a missing section at 4:30. Eventually, the moon, filled the sky. I knew right away it was compassion. We looked up 4:30, "I open my heart with compassion for all life has to offer." Clairvoyantly compassion rose along the edge then into my center. I literally experienced the difference between compassion in the material world and the spiritual world. A phenomenal experience. Compassion in the spiritual world is Real. Like Brian Weiss's book, "Only Love is Real." I know the difference between living from the heart in a godly way and in an earthly way. This lead me to reading "Movie Yoga", a book that was delivered Friday (I thought for a friend!). The chapter on, (BPM 2 Stan Grof), The Trap Zone. This talked of the Heros Journey. What NetFlix movie has been sitting on our desk for a month, Joseph Campbells, "A Heros Journey." Joseph stated when you follow your bliss, the world provides. Wala. Once again, the way life is, aka synchronicity.

Resources: Norman Mansson, thank you for your help. "Movie Yoga" by Tav Sparks. Joseph Campbells film "A Hero's Journey", Stan Grof's birth perinatal matrix's. "Spiritual Emergency" by Stan and Christina Grof', HeartMind Shivatsu Meridian Gestures and Functions wall chart by Matthew Sweigart and David Goetz, ThetaHealing™, "SoulCollage®" by Senna Frost. The "angel" of our house painter who asked yesterday to borrow $200.

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